"It all started with just one Bismillah."

Alhamdulillah. So, apparently I read a book that have title "Bismillah Soup" by Asmaa Hussein. The book have sweet ilustration with easy words to understand. I know the book because my mentor, Teh Juan, asked me to watch a video on youtube with the book being a content in that video. 

At first, I only watch the video audio-book with straight face because I didnt feel something unusual. I think it just a book for children until I found that phrase: It all started with just one Bismillah. I think that phrase hit me hard relate to my condition.

So many things happened lately and I felt I didnt have time to digest the wisdom, the hikmah of this existing situation. Even as I write this blog, I still havent finished understanding what situation is this that come to me; i still havent finished thinking and feeling about it. And it is getting worse because little by little my body showed I was worrying too much.

Yup. Too much. And my latest hypothesis is I forgot the true, the real meaning of my favorite phrase: Bismillah. 

I may be negligent to remember and intenalize it. May Allah give me hidayah, aamiin.


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